Bulk Material Conveyors, Elevators, and Loading Chutes
Move material through your processing facility efficiently and safely with Bratney’s process design expertise and equipment supply.
Engineered Solutions to your Material Handling Challenges
Bratney has built hundreds of processing and conditioning facilities and has unmatched knowledge of specific material handling needs for seeds, grains, food and feed. Strong partnerships with leading manufacturers of bucket elevators, continuous cup elevators, belt conveyors, screw conveyors, pneumatic conveying and various specialty conveyor manufacturers allow us to provide a tailored solution to your material handling needs.

Bulk Material Elevators
Elevators offer both vertical and horizontal conveying solutions to transport free-flowing, dry, bulk materials which include anything from grain and seed to aggregates. These elevators are incredibly durable, safe, and have low energy consumption, making them a long-lasting solution for material handling.
- Bucket Elevators
- Continuous Cup Elevators

Conveyor Systems
Transport your materials quickly and efficiently with conveying equipment that can handle a range of materials from agricultural products to industrial products. Bratney's process engineers are well versed in selecting the proper conveyor for a specific application Including: belt conveyors, vibrating conveyors, chain conveyors, and screw conveyors.
- Belt Conveyor
- Vibrating Conveyor
- Chain Conveyor
- Screw Conveyor
- Pneumatic Conveying

Loading Chutes
Cimbria loading chutes are designed for dust-free load out of bulk materials. The chutes are manufactured with different discharges so that they can be made to specifically handle stockpiling, the loading of open top trailers and ships, or can also be made with a cone to fit into the opening of a tanker truck.
- Moduflex Loading Chutes

Dust Control
The importance of a well-designed dust control system cannot be understated. Often overlooked as an expensive option in a plant, the impact on the functionality of the equipment, the flow of the plant and the safety of the people within the facility can be catastrophic if short cuts are taken.
- Dust Control System

Drying Systems
Drying solutions for grain and seed require precise control of air flow, temperature, retention time and product flow. Bratney offers drying systems for grain, seed, and ear corn all of which are energy-efficient, precise, and designed to maximize product quality and minimize product loss.
- Cimbria Continuous Flow Dryer
- Cimbria Eco-Master Dryer
- Bratney Ear Corn Dryer
- Bucket Elevators
- Continuous Cup Elevators
- Belt Conveyor
- Vibrating Conveyor
- Chain Conveyor
- Screw Conveyor
- Pneumatic Conveying
- Moduflex Loading Chutes
- Dust Control System
- Cimbria Continuous Flow Dryer
- Cimbria Eco-Master Dryer
- Bratney Ear Corn Dryer
Design Your Turnkey Processing Facility with Bratney
Are you building a new facility or looking to upgrade your current processing setup? They key to increasing the productivity and profitability of your facility is working with Brantey’s team of process flow engineers and experts to design, build, and install your next processing plant. Let us help you create the most advanced and efficient turnkey processing or conditioning plant.
Talk to an ExpertContact Us
Reach out to us to so we can discuss your material handling equipment needs and answer any questions you have.